Book review: The Three Investigators - And the Mystery of the Coughing Dragon
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Book review: The Three Investigators - And the Mystery of the Coughing Dragon
Every true “The Three Investigators”-Fan dreams about following the adventures of Jupiter, Pete and Bob in the original American edition. “The Three Investigators and the Mystery of the Coughing Dragon”, finally available for your reading device! Henry Allen’s dog is missing – and he thinks it’s been eaten by a dragon! On the night the dog disappeared, Mr. Allen swears he saw a huge dragon slither into the sea caves beneath his cliff-top house. Could Mr. Allen really have seen a dragon? The Three Investigators doubt it, but they’re determined to find the missing dog. And that means exploring those dark, dangerous caves …
Cover: Aiga Rasch
Author: Nick West
Publisher: Kosmos
Publication Date: 2015
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